CGS admissions are open and we are currently accepting online/offline applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Details of online admission process is here.

ECAs (Extra Curricular Activities)

We place great importance on this area of our student’s ‘life education’ as it builds skills and competences including interacting with peers, team dynamics, sharing, leadership and camaraderie. 

Extra Curricular Activities or ‘ECAs’ as they are called are mandatory for Classes 1 to 8, while participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s (DOE) Award Scheme is compulsory for Classes 9 to 12 and incorporated into the school time-table. A wide range of activities are offered each year. They take place outside normal school hours and students are given a choice of activities from which they must choose one or two. Not all classes will be offered every activity. This chosen activity is subject to normal attendance criteria and attendance below 80% will constitute a failing grade. The mark achieved is included in assessment marks on the report card and the final result of the student. In case of absenteeism, the parent must notify the school office or else the student risks getting a ‘0’ for that day’s missed ECA.

The following activities are offered:
(Not all activities are offered every term)

Aerobics Environment Club Publishing Club
Art Fitness Training Science Club
Arts and crafts Football Scouts
Badminton French Scrabble Club
Bangla Dance Handball Singing
Bangla Society Indoor Games Swimming
Basketball Islamiat Table Tennis
Chess Karate Taekwando
Community Service Maths Club Volleyball
Cookery MUN Club Yoga and aerobics
Cricket Musical Instruments Young Readers Club
Debating Percussion Youth Club
Drama Photography  
Embroidery Playground Games  

Sports and Inter-house Competitions

In addition to ECA’s, CGS places great emphasis on sports and inter-house competitions. Sporting events are scheduled throughout the school year and inter-school matches are also a regular feature at CGS.  

Upon entry, students are allocated their Houses: Courage, Generosity or Service. Throughout the year sporting and other inter-house competitions are held which contribute to a final ‘House Champion’ at the end of the school year. Students are encouraged to participate in these and contribute ‘House Points’ to the various Inter-house categories, which include:

Academics Director’s Awards Achievement Awards
General Knowledge Athletics Ha-do-do
Badminton Soccer Basketball
Swimming Cricket Table Tennis